Dodds Solicitors take Cyber Security very seriously. As a Law firm we handle sensitive information about our clients so the online security is our top priority. Dodds has been independently accredited against Cyber essentials  a government back scheme operated by the National Cyber Security Centre which aims to protect our firm against a range of the more common cyber-attacks. We are listed on the official directory of organisations awarded Cyber Essentials.

Also this is why, as a Firm, we have just completed our annual Cyber Security staff training to remind everyone how important it is to keep yourself, your business and your household safe online.

Below are examples of what the training talked about, so we thought to share this, as everyone should do what they can to protect themselves:

  1. Use strong passwords and remember to change them regularly.
  2. Strong password means, that you should try to avoid to using your personal information when creating a password like: your children’s names, your pet name, date of birth etc. You should instead try to create a password, which contains random letters and numbers so it will be more difficult for the hacker to unlock it.
  3. Use different passwords for different applications.
  4. Try to use two-factor authentication setting.
  5. Install and regularly update anti-virus and anti-malware software on all devices.
  6. To protect against phishing or ransomware be cautious of clicking on links sent to you by e mails by random people, social media/ apps or website you just don’t recognize and are unfamiliar, always try to connect directly with the website, use multiple e-mail addresses for various aspects.
  7. Remember to make regular backups of your key systems and data and do not forget your photo’s too.
  8. Encrypt any sensitive data and do not send passwords or other sensitive data via email unencrypted.
  9. Don’t share your passwords with anyone even your family or friends.
  10. When using a Wi-Fi always make sure it is encrypted and regularly change the Wi Fi password.


We hope you find this useful and it helps you feel more secure online.

#staysafe #cybersecure

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