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World Alzheimer’s Month – September 2015

September is World Alzheimer’s Month this year with 21st September being World Alzheimer’s Day. To raise awareness of Alzheimer’s Disease, many people are hosting events around the world. These include Alzheimer’s Cafes (Leicester Dementia Cafe,  please click this...

Solicitors for the Elderly Older Client Care in Practice Award

We are pleased to announce that our Head of Wills and Probate Department, Samantha Downs, has passed the Solicitors for the Elderly Older Client Care in Practice Award. Solicitors for the Elderly is an independent, national organisation of lawyers who specialise in...

Smoke No Longer Gets in Their Eyes

From 1st October 2015 additional statutory duties will apply to most residential landlords. There will be a requirement for all properties to be fitted with smoke detectors on every floor on which there is a room used wholly or partly as living accommodation which...

Happy Clients!!!

The Wills and Probate Team are happy to see that they have happy clients, especially when they work in an area of law which by its very nature, is morbid! We have today received two lovely thank you cards and also a lovely email thanking us for all of our help. The...

Will You Be Remembering a Charity?

Following this week’s Court of Appeal decision, Ilott v Mitson, it was decided that a lady who died leaving a Will disinheriting her only daughter and giving all of her property and money to three charities was unreasonable in doing so. This led the Court of Appeal to...