Have you had the Big Conversation yet? You know the one, about what you would like to happen when nearing the end of your life and when you ultimately pass away. I know, it’s not a fun topic at first sight. Who wants to talk about death? And why should you talk about it?
Let’s start with the most obvious and blunt reason why you should have the Big Conversation – you are going to die. Hard to admit, but it’s a factual truth along with paying tax. The other obvious and blunt reason is that no one knows when they are going to die. Death is not prejudicial in any way, it happens to the young, old, religious, atheist and it has no concern about your race. The real question in that case is why on earth wouldn’t you want to have the Big Conversation?!
Dodds Solicitors LLP is excited about partnering up with LOROS to have the Big Conversation. LOROS is a wonderful local Hospice which Dodds Solicitors LLP is proud to be associated with. They provide a range of services to over 2,500 patients and their families including in-patient ward, enablement team, counselling and family support services to name but a few.
We are running two events on Thursday 12th May 2016 at 11am and 6pm to discuss about planning for your end of life and what happens if you don’t for Dying Matters Awareness Week . Here at Dodds Solicitors LLP, the Wills and Probate Team talk about death all day every day which we believe holds us out as expert in having the Big Conversation! We also like to try and make it as fun as you would like it to be. Talking about death needn’t be morbid, you are allowed to have a giggle! Often it makes it easier to have the Big Conversation. If you’d like to attend, and we hope you do, click on this link LOROS http://www.loros.co.uk/support-us/events/2016/05/12/the-big-conversation-two-will-writing-seminars to register your interest.
Head of the Wills and Probate Department, Samantha Downs, looks forward to seeing you there! Remember, talking about dying won’t make it happen!