So, what are your New Year’s Resolutions now?

Did you like all of our New Year Resolutions? Whilst we know that some of our New Year Resolutions aren’t necessarily fun, they are necessary to look after you and your families affairs. Contact us for us to help you keep your New Year Resolutions on 0116 2628596 or...

Day 12 New Year Resolution – Don’t commit a crime!

Whether it’s something minor such as motoring offences or something major such as murder, try not to commit the crime, but if you do, we’re always here to help. We offer free representation at the police station and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You...

Day 10 New Year Resolution – Problems with contact? Next Steps.

Did this Christmas and New Year you have the stress and arguments with the Dad or Mum of your children about who was going to have the children which day of the Christmas and New Year period?  Make it your New Year Resolution to use our mediation services to come to...

Day 9 New Year Resolution – Argued over Christmas? Next Steps.

Christmas and the New Year can be stressful. Suddenly, you’re stuck with family and of course, we can’t choose family. New research revealed that one in six Britons is dreading Christmas because of spending too much time with their partners. A quarter of British...
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