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Day 9 New Year Resolution – Argued over Christmas? Next Steps.

Christmas and the New Year can be stressful. Suddenly, you’re stuck with family and of course, we can’t choose family. New research revealed that one in six Britons is dreading Christmas because of spending too much time with their partners. A quarter of British...

Day 6 New Year Resolution – Living Together?

So, you’ve decided not to take the plunge into marriage but you’ve taken the plunge and decided to live together! Congratulations! Your New Year Resolution should be how to manage this and we’re not talking about managing your annoyance that he won’t put the toilet...

Day 5 New Year Resolution – Getting Married Abroad

Have you decided to get married abroad? Maybe you’ve decided to get married on a beautiful white sandy beach with “Somewhere over the rainbow” playing in the background. The azure blue sea in the background and with just your close friends and family there. If so,...